Saturday, August 23, 2008

You need the Traffic

I don't care what product you carry, it could be the best product on the earth...

If No One Sees it, you are stuck!!!

You can't beat Google, I mean it you can't beat them. They are 60% of the market...

Play their game!!! Continue through the rest of this blog and you will find the sources necessary to get the top ranking. I have been fighting for a year and finally discovered the simpliest of ways and means.

I started with my business at $49.99 product and ended up spending over $4,000.00 inwhich, $3,000.00 was worth every dime. The rest hunting and searching for this truth. Work with Google, then step into the other sources. Yahoo, MSN, YouTube...

If anything, I hope I am saving you time and money.

My site is only about 75 pages and a word in process... It took time and I am still working with Google for a stronger support.

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